We are happy to be moving forward! Here is the link to our CAST…OPEN ROLES! It’s exciting to see the roles and how diverse we are. We hope you will take a look and join us.

For more cast information please email:

For more crew information please email:


As a female writer/producer with a female leading role, both suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury and other disabilities, it is the intent of the author to show the world that even in the face of the adversities of life, one can still dare to dream and succeed, by embracing individual uniqueness and purpose! Though faith based, we are non-discriminatory because we believe that only God is the judge!

Let’s discuss one word. IMPOSSIBLE – like RED SEA impossible! The Israelites were up against the Red Sea with no where to go. The Egyptians were right behind them, to take them back to slavery. But before God could part the sea, Moses had to do something. When he lifted up his staff that is when the sea began to part. Lately, I have been feeling like I have had my back, front and sides backed up against the sea. The enemy of doubt, stress and strain chasing me down. It has been extremely draining on me and I have oftentimes felt like the weight of this project has been just too heavy. It is not a coincidence that the leading man is named both after the Arch Angel Michael and Moses.

Union Colonel
Michael Moses McDaniels

Faith can be hard to hold on to, when everything looks impossible and impassible. When all roads are blocked. When everything says, “It cannot be done; turn back, give up!” Still, hope allows us to keep moving forward and even if it is at an inch at a time, it is still progress and lately we have made a lot of it! I guess, the longer this takes to get to production, the harder it is to believe we will get there. But, I do believe it. I am 100% convinced we will be funded. I just do not know exactly when. I believe we are close. I believe we are working towards it. I also must trust in God’s perfect timing and do what He instructs me to do. Today is the first time I have created our open roles on the website. It’s a move forward and it means after 12.5 years, we are finally ready to start accepting our investors and donors. Praise God!!!


Matthew 19:26

If you would like to donate to our project, the logo with my name on it – is NOT tax deductible.

It is via GoFundMe. To view it, simply click on the heart.

GoFundMe Fundraiser

We are also Fiscally Sponsored by From the Heart Productions.

All donations on this site ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. To view the fundraiser, simply click on the donate button.

Fund My Film via From the Heart Productions


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